september 2022

Nearly 2 million Russians choose electronic labor books since year beginning

Almost 2 million working Russians opted for electronic labor books this year. A key advantage of the electronic labor book is the constant access of an employee to the information it contains. Such employees do not need to ask their employers for information, which often requires the submission of an application and several days of waiting.

Northern pensioners compensated for traveling to vacation destination by personal car

The Pension Fund will compensate the expenses of northern pensioners in traveling to their vacation destination by personal car since August 24, 2022. The government resolution, which broadened the possibility of compensation for traveling to the vacation destination and back, took effect on that day. Earlier, compensations were paid for using any kind of transport but personal.

august 2022

16,500 families spend maternity capital on home construction, renovation in 2022

Some 16,500 families have spent their maternity capital on the construction or renovation of a private home since the beginning of this year. The Pension Fund has transferred a total of 5.3 billion rubles for these purposes. The money was provided for building a new home, expand the existent home, or compensate for home construction and renovation expenses.

july 2022

Pension Fund to help Russian Search Movement commemorate WWII heroes

The Pension Fund has signed an agreement with the Russian Search Movement to help obtain information about the fate of soldiers and officers who died of injuries and went missing during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. The joint projects will aim to commemorate heroes of war and to strengthen the national and patriotic spirit of the peoples of Russia.

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