Acting Chairman of the PFR Board Sergey Chirkov took part in the 6th Moscow Financial Forum in Manezh on September 8. The Pension Fund head addressed a session, which discussed the ongoing changes in the Russian social security system.

In the words of Chirkov, the digital transformation has revolutionized pension laws. “Pension laws have always been quite conservative, their traditions are over 100 years old,” the PFR head noted. “What was the focus of pension procedures in the past? People had to prove facts important for pension. The establishment of databases completely changed the essence of the pension process. The digit changed the law. Now there is a postulate, according to which a pension authority does everything.”

The next important area, which Chirkov is expecting to develop in pension laws, is the redistribution of responsibilities in the provision of pension services. “Initially, both a pension authority and a person were responsible for the collection and submission of documents and their accuracy. Now this principle is being abolished, and the only responsible party will be the authority that ensures the observance of pension entitlements. A person is entitled to a pension, and a pension authority shall provide it,” he said.

Thanks to the digital transformation, pension laws have a new approach, which is defined as “public convenience.” Chirkov said. “This is a priority of every authority, and this principle will be developed and serve as a basis for legislative amendments,” he said.

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