People with impaired eyesight can listen to information about pensions and social benefits on the Russian Pension Fund website by using the voice assistant integrated into the website page for the visually impaired. This page has greater contrast and convenient options for displaying text, page backgrounds and font size.

The voice assistant reads both short information like a page menu or site section titles and longer materials, including news and feature articles. This makes the perception of information easier and more comfortable for those who find it difficult to read long texts from the screen.

To listen to the text of interest, you need to open the page for the visually impaired at the top of the website, select the required fragment and click the "Play" button. Voiceover can be paused at any time, or the text could be reproduced again.

Advanced data processing and audio technologies are used to play materials available on the Pension Fund website. They minimize unnatural intonation and pronunciation of words, and abrupt transitions between words and sentences, which sometimes happen in the work of voice assistants.

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