This year, the Russian Pension Fund provided a one-off childbirth benefit to over 190,000 families. The payments roughly totaled 4.5 billion rubles. The one-off payment in the amount of 20,472.77 rubles per child is assigned by the Fund to a non-working parent, guardian, adoptive or foster parent. The recipient can be a fulltime student of a higher, general or vocational educational establishment. An employed parent receives the payment at the place of work.

An application for the benefit can be filed with the PFR client service or a multifunctional center. If the Fund receives all information confirming the family’s entitlement to the benefit from relevant entities, the payment will be assigned solely on the basis of the application. If any information is missing, the entitlement will need to be confirmed with a childbirth certificate and a statement from the other parent’s place of work to confirm that no such benefit had been assigned. Both parents have to be out of work in order to receive the benefit from the PFR.

The application shall be submitted within six months since the childbirth. It is processed within ten business days since the day the Pension Fund receives information from entities and parent documents. In some cases, the processing period may be extended to 20 business days. If approved, the benefit is paid within five business days.

Please note that the Pension Fund started paying one-off childbirth benefits alongside other benefits to families with children instead of social protection services in 2022.

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