The Pension Fund has prepared a new form for reports, which airlines and mines will start using next year to submit information about their workers. The information will be used to assign pension supplements to miners and pilots.

The new form (abbreviated as SZV-DSO) contains information about flight crews and miners entitled to professional pension supplements. It also contains information about the salary, which is necessary for the supplement calculation. Currently, the Pension Fund receives this information from pensioners who apply for a pension supplement. After the new form is implemented, the information will be received by the Pension Fund from employers and pensioners will no longer have to confirm it with a certificate from the place of work.

Сonsistent with the published draft resolution of the Pension Fund, the information will be updated annually, before March 1.

«The availability of information about miners and  pilots will cut the number of documents required for the submission together with a pension supplement application and will fully digitalize  this service. All an applicant needs to do is to file a statement via the online service, – and specialists will check the information with employer reports. This is a new step in the development of the digital pension process»acting Chairman of the Russian Pension Fund Sergey Chirkov said.

The new form will supplement SNILS with new professional information, such as the number of flight hours or the work performed under List 1 of underground, heavy and hazardous work. The accounts will be augmented with information about the salary, which would be used to calculate the amount of the pension supplement. Same as now, the new information will be available in the website account or in statements provided by Pension Fund offices and public service centers.

Please note that the professional pension supplement is assigned to coal industry workers, such as miners, tunnellers, machinists, electrical fitters, etc. Civil aviation flight crews, including pilots, navigators, flight engineers and flight mechanics of aircraft, also enjoy the right to additional payment. They are paid after the end of their employment.

Nowadays, professional pension supplements are received by 36,000 miners and 49,000 pilots. An average monthly payment stands at 4,700 and 21,200 rubles a month, respectively. The supplements are assigned permanently and updated every quarter either up or down, depending on the contributions from mines and airlines.

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