
Ten thousandth subscriber was added to official group of Pension Fund of Russia on the social network "VKontakte".

Thus audience of community of the PFR in the popular Russian social network became the most numerous among all the other platforms of the Pension Fund on the Internet. These include Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and LiveJournal.

Page of the PFR on VKontakte has remained popular since its opening: the first five thousand subscribers have been registered for 14 months, after the same amount of time, the number of subscribers has doubled.

While on the PFR website sections with information for employers and future pensioners are popular, the PFR group on VKontakte has greatest number of responses and discussions in topics concerning general issues of appointment and payment of pension, registration of Insurance individual account number, the maternity family capital.

From April 2012 users of VKontakte have an opportunity to appeal to the Pension Fund of Russia through the official group and to get explanation about pension insurance and social security. Customers who don't have their own page on VKontakte, can also view the group topics discussed on the  PFR page without being able to address their question to experts of the PFR.

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